Friday, August 3, 2012

Triumphs and Tragedies in Crafting and Arting

I am not afraid of failure, not anymore.

I used to be afraid of screwing up. I was that crafter/artist who had all the pretty, new supplies and was afraid to use them. I would see something I thought would be good to make or think of something I wanted to do and I would run out and buy all the supplies.

Then I just couldn't start the project.

What if it didn't come out right?

Guh. So I would shelve it. Sad, but true.

Now I see something I like, I dive right in. I usually have the supplies on hand, as my stash probably rivals Michael's.

There will probably be more tragedies than triumphs here, and the fearful part of me still cringes and now worries that I'll end up as a meme. Nailed It! 

Which brings me to Pinterest. Good grief, I find so many things I want to make on there. So you will probably see a lot of things from there on here. Sometimes things work, but sometimes they don't. But at least I actually tried it and can figure out where I went wrong and do it better the next time. And just maybe someone else can learn from my mistake.

Someone else will then know not to use spray adhesive all willy nilly and end up stuck to the kitchen floor. Yeah, that happened.

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